Monday, August 28, 2006

The Web Word Processor

The Web Word Processor

·Share documents instantly & collaborate real-time.

Pick exactly who can access your documents.
·Edit your documents from anywhere.

Nothing to download -- your browser is all you need.
·Store your documents securely online.

Offsite storage plus data backup every 10 seconds.
·Easy to use.

Clean, uncluttered screens with a familiar, desktop feel.

Gmail for your domain

This special beta test lets you give Gmail, Google's webmail service, to every user at your domain. Gmail for your domain is hosted by Google, so there's no hardware or software for you to install or maintain.

Gmail - 2 gigabytes of storage and search tools that help your users find information fast. Instant messaging from right inside their accounts.

Google Talk - Users can call or send instant messages to their contacts for free – anytime, anywhere in the world.

Google Calendar - Users can organize their schedules and share events and calendars with others.

Control Panel - Easily manage user accounts, aliases, mailing lists, and chat settings.

Want to be part of this beta test?

Gmail for your domain is currently available as a limited beta. If your organization is interested in helping Google test this service, we'll consider your domain for this beta. You'll need to sign in with a Google Account (or get a new one), and answer a few quick questions about your organization and your email needs.
